Upon purchase, you'll receive an e-mail with instructions on how to access your exam
With this mock exam option, this is what you can expect:
- You will have 4 total attempts (2 attempts at the Ethics Lab & 2 attempts at the Graph Lab)
- All of these attempts will be untimed (you can take it at your own pace, and save questions to come back to your test later)
- 50 questions (+1 BONUS question)
- Thorough feedback for each question at the end
- These mocks are all about ethics & graphs!
- There are no refunds on this exam.
- The content of this mini mock aligns with the 6th edition task lists/test content outlines.
- While this exam was created with your preparation in mind, we cannot guarantee you will pass the real exam.
Minis Bundle
By purchasing this exam, you agree that:
- The person taking this exam is the person purchasing the exam.
- You will not share or distrubute the content of this exam in anyway.
- You will abide by all copyright rules regarding this exam.
- You understand that there are no refunds applicable for this exam.
- You understand we cannot gurantee a passing test result for this exam, or any other exam.
In order to protect the content of the exam, no PDF copies will be emailed after the exam has been closed. You will receive feedback after taking the exam, but no document report will be generated.